Today I am recovering from a long week of social media inclusion / emersion / witchcraft suspicion-type water dunking. Very educational.
I just launched a new design for my personal website
Iatrogenic Artworks
I also did a re-design for the shop I work for
Global Video Services
All in all . . this was a productive January. Not very traditional around here. I have been inspired as of late by the H.P. Lovecraft documentary, "Fear of the Unknown," which I have seen multiple times. He really was a lonely angry miserable creature who despite New England demeanor and old world capital failed to live up to his idea of a human but somehow thrived in his short tenor as a creative agent. So, I imagine that such a meager fate is still worthy of the grasp and dare I hope we get as far as he did, . . without the madness and physical decay, of course.